The areas which will be covered in detail are as follows, they are based on CCP4's first use of EDNA and also comments from DLS from the use of MXv1. This is not an exhaustive list, and any other kernel issues which could do with addressing will be welcomed and added before the meeting.
- Documentation
- Automatic unpacking of input objects
- Definition of methods inside plugins
- Allow use of state in plugins
- Define plugin types in data model
- Should input XML be validated
- EDNA run folder location (Possibly an MXv1 issue, but may run deeper)
The Agenda to try to address these issues is as follows (Times are UK) :
- 09:00 - Coffee + Setup Maratech etc.
- 09:30 - Discuss Kernel changes as stated above, and divide the documentation writing tasks as Olofs plan Should include a code review of some DIMPLE plugins as examples of where issues came from.
- 12:00 - Lunch
- 13:00 - Open session for kernel development
- 4:00 - Code Reviews
- 14:30 - Coffee
- 15:00 - Documentathon - try to get as much doc in place in 30 mins.
- 15:30 - Open Session for kernel development
- 16:30 - Code Reviews
- 17:00 - Close
- 09:00 - Plugin Development (i.e. try to use the new kernel changes in your own code, also the new docs)
- 10:00 - Documentathon - try to fill in any missed bits of doc
- 10:30 - Coffee
- 11:00 - Discussion over kernel changes made, and there implementations.
- 12:00 - Lunch
- 13:00 - Final Session for Kernel Developments
- 14:30 - Code reviews
- 15:00 - Coffee
- 15:30 - Closing discussions etc plus workshop outcomes.
The whole thing will be done using Maratech, and is really aimed for seasoned Python programmers who have written EDNA plugins and are happy to help with making kernel changes.